Best Bites FZE Terms And Conditions 


The BB+ subscription is non-refundable. 


By clicking on the Best Bites website, downloading the Best Bites Mobile Application and in consideration of your annual subscription to BB+, you are hereby accepting the following terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”).

These Terms and Conditions are drafted in the English language. If translated into any language

other than English, the English language version shall prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.

These Terms and Conditions prevail over the Privacy Policy and Website Terms of Use.


Your BB+ subscription is non-refundable. Your subscription will automatically renew after 12 months unless the auto-renew function is switched off on the Account Settings page on the Best Bites application. This is made clear at the time of purchase. It is the responsibility of the subscriber. Best Bites will offer zero refunds for subscriptions automatically renewed. 

Subscription types: single, family and corporate - selected at the time of purchase. 

Discounts (the “BB+ promotions”) can be used 7 days a week, at any time during the establishment’s normal trading hours. Establishments will have their own “blackout” days when BB promotions will not be accepted. We will endeavour to put those days on our website (to include all public national holidays, for example) but we take no responsibility or liability for a BB+ promotion not being accepted on a “blackout” day. Please see below with respect to establishments refusing to accept BB promotions for any other reasons.

BB+ promotions are not valid in conjunction with any other discount offers, promotions, special menu items or loyalty/rewards programs offered by an establishment.

BB+ promotions are not inclusive of any applicable service charges/taxes including but not limited to VAT, Municipality tax, etc (as applicable) and will be separately charged by merchants.

BB+ promotions are valid until the expiry of your subscription, or sooner, if you breach the terms of these terms and conditions or if the specific promotion is withdrawn by an establishment.

BB+ promotions have no cash value.

BB+ promotions are only applicable to meals and not necessarily to other food items sold by an establishment, such as condiments, sauces or other food or food-related products.

BB+ promotions cannot be applied retrospectively for previous meals prior to buying your subscription.

BB+ memberships may not be shared, unless the user has purchased a ‘Family Sharing’ subscription. If you are found to have shared your login details or your subscription with a third part, Best Bites reserves the right to cancel your subscription. 

BB+ promotions are only available to those who have signed up for and paid for an annual BB+ subscription. Your subscription will renew automatically after 12 months. If you wish to cancel the auto-renew function you can do so in Account Settings on the Best Bites app. This is the responsibility of the subscriber, Best Bites will offer no refund for subscriptions that have automatically renewed. 

Your BB+ subscription is selected at the time of purchase. Options include standard which permits only the subscriber to login, family sharing which permits the subscriber to add family/friends to their subscription and gift which permits the purchaser to gift the subscription type selected. 

Your membership of the Best Bites Abu Dhabi Facebook Group is subject to the rules and guidelines stated for that Group. Your membership of the Best Bites Abu Dhabi Facebook Group is entirely separate from your BB+ subscription.  


You must inform the establishment that you wish to avail of a BB+ promotion prior to payment or requesting the bill. If you fail to do so, the establishment will exercise its own discretion as to whether it will re-issue the bill, then apply the BB+ promotion.

You must also inform yourselves of any establishment’s other particular (non-financial) conditions of dining in their establishment, such as reservation policy, dress code, age restrictions etc. Best Bites shall have no liability for failure of a customer to adhere with those conditions and being refused entry into an establishment.

Your BB+ membership can be used for two adults and up to three children aged 0-18.


You must inform the establishment that you wish to avail of a BB+ promotion when ordering.

Miscellaneous General Terms Applicable to all offers

Best Bites has no responsibility or liability for your overall experience or food quality at any of the establishments that provide BB+ promotions, nor does it have any responsibility for additional terms and conditions imposed by the hotel (ie dress code etc) or its other competing offers or “blackout” days.

In the case of a dispute with an establishment in connection with the application of a BB+ promotion (not relating to “blackout” days or conflicts with other discounts), please email We advise that if no response is forthcoming (due to out of office hours or otherwise), the bill must be settled in favour of the establishment. Please ensure that you then contact our customer service and we will liaise with the establishment to assess if a refund (or other compensation) should apply. Refunds/compensation shall be at the discretion of Best Bites FZE,  after making a fair assessment of the information available to it.

You will only be eligible to use BB+ promotions when your subscription has been paid in full. Installments are not accepted.

Subscriptions are not refundable for any reason, including but not limited to, the failure of a merchant to apply the discount, lack of ability to utilise subscriptions as a result of any locally imposed “lockdown” or other reason (subject to Best Bites FZE’s sole discretion). It is your responsibility to ensure that your subscription has been accepted and paid for in full. Best Bites accepts no responsibility for late, lost or misdirected email or other communications.

We reserve the right to remove and/or amend a BB+ promotion at any time and cannot be held responsible or liable in any way if a promotion is removed and you try to avail of it. The latest promotions will be on the Best Bites Mobile Application. 

We reserve the right to remove and/or amend a BB promotion at any time and cannot be held responsible or liable in any way if a promotion is removed and you try to avail of it. The latest promotions will be on our website

Please note that BB promotions are flexible and may be changed at any time. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the discount you want to use is available on the day you want to use it and Best Bites FZE will not be held responsible for any .

Unauthorised reproduction, resale or modification of any BB+ promotion associated with your subscription is prohibited. Your subscription is personal only to you and becomes void if you transfer (or attempt to transfer) your subscription to any other person, or any other person tries to utilise your subscription. For the avoidance of doubt, the holder of a BB subscription must be dining to avail of a BB+ promotion.

Best Bites FZE will avail itself of any and all legal remedies available to it to ensure that the terms and conditions are respected and adhered to. Best Bites FZE’s aggregate liability to you is the full amount of your subscription and liability is limited to Best Bites FZE. Best Bites FZE shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss of any kind. No recourse can be made to any owner, director or officer of Best Bites FZE.

These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Dubai International Financial Centre. Any dispute shall be resolved by binding mediation between the parties.

You are opting in to receive marketing emails from Best Bites FZE and its Clients. You will be given the option to unsubscribe from the mailing list with every communication. 


Competitions are not sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook

All entries and any copyright subsisting in the entries become and remain the property of Best Bites FZE who may publish or cause to be published any of the entries received.

Competitions run for a minimum of 2 days.

Winners are chosen by a random draw.

Winners will be advised how to claim their prize at the time of drawing.

For competitions on Best Bites Abu Dhabi Facebook Page, only residents of the UAE may enter. You must be following Best Bites Abu Dhabi Facebook Page to enter, you must have liked the Best Bites Abu Dhabi Page to enter.


You must visit the privacy policy tab on or the Best Bites application to view the privacy policy. 


If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us: